Programming w/c 4th September

This week we kick off our 3rd phase of the 15 week cycle we have been working through.

Switching to Front Squats, after our very successful blocks of 5’s and then 3’s on the back squat we start to do more sport specific strength work and the first stage of this is the front squat. We begin with a 3RM Front Squat to set the tone, as this is a great indicator of our potential in the clean. How we are going to build the front squat across the next few weeks is as follows;

New move and new format kind of with us still working on 3's at a % but the final set is for max reps. We are not going to failure, but we do want to push ourselves through some tough reps. When the positions start to falter then call it a day. Each week we will look to add a little load and still hit that final set as max reps.

The other area of focus will be a little progression on the T2B movement. With midline strength being a huge factor in front squatting and general athleticism, we have decided to build this movement across the next few weeks. How we do this is using alternating EMOM’s using movements that make T2B more challenging in different ways. Week 1 has Double-Unders as the alternating movement which will hit the shoulders and hips, and we have plenty more moves that make the T2B tough we all remember burpees and T2B right…..?!

To remind you, we have a recovery/aerobic day with some bodybuilding in the mix on Thursdays and team/partner workouts Friday/Saturday.

Enjoy team!


A) In a 18 minute window

Build to a 3RM Front Squat

B) Partner Workout


21 Thrusters @ 42.5/30/20kg

21/18/15 Cal Row

12 minute time cap


A)7 minute AMRAP

400m Run

18 DB Hang Clean @ 2 x 22.5/15/10 kg

10 DB Reverse Lunges @ 2 x 22.5/15/10 kg

3 Rope Climbs or 9 Strict Pull ups

Rest 2 minutes

x 3


A) Weightlifting

Every 90 x 10

1 Paused Snatch + Snatch

@ 70% 1RM SNATCH - @75% 1RM SNATCH

B) EMOM x 10

1) 1 unbroken set Toes 2 Bar (capped at 20)

2) 30secs Double-Unders


A)Every 3:00 minutes x 12

1. 20 Alternating DB Bench Press

20 Sit Ups

2. 2:30 minutes steady Cal machine

3. 10-15 Ring Rows

20 Single leg V-ups

4. 2:30 minutes steady Cal machine

2:30 min cap on a) and b) each time


A) In pairs, 36 minute AMRAP:


max distance Row - stop every 500m and complete

Movement 1


max cal Bike - stop every 1KM and complete

Movement 2


max distance Row - stop every 500m and complete

Movement 3


24 DB Snatch @ 1 x 22.5/15/10kg


10 Double DB burpee power clean and jerks @ 2 x 22.5/15/10kg


10 Double DB Devil Press @ 2 x 22.5/15/10kg


A) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

10 Power Cleans @ 50/35kg or 40-50% 1RM

10 WallBalls @ 9/6/3kg

If 60 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 5 minutes,

time extends to 10 minutes.

8 Power Cleans @ 70/50kg or 50-60% 1RM

10 WallBalls @ 9/6/3kg

If 114 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 10 minutes,

time extends to 15 minutes.

6 Power Cleans @ 90/60kg or 60-70% 1RM

10 WallBalls @ 9/6/3kg

If 162 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 15 minutes,

time extends to 20 minutes.

4 Power Cleans @ 100/70kg or 70-80% 1RM

10 WallBalls @ 9/6/3kg

If 204 reps (12 rounds) are completed in under 20 minutes,

time extends to 25 minutes and complete 3 rounds for time of...

2 Power Cleans @ 110/80kg or 80-90% 1RM

10 WallBalls @ 9/6/3kg


Programming w/c 18th September


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