New Training Phase Jan ‘24
Our next training phase , we are going to start gearing up towards the CrossFit Games Open. This is a worldwide online competition that we will be following and participating in March. Therefore, we will now be starting to blend all the improvements we have made in the last few phases and bring them together.
Phase length: 8 weeks long - Deload at week 5
We have hit a lot of gymnastics work recently, where we are building our capacity through movements with lots of interference, this will now shift to performing more volume of gymnastics under generalised fatigue. Lots of this work will have a heavy emphasis on the stimulus rather than a set number to get the most out of you, make sure that you chase the stimulus!
Throughout each week you will have a session focussing on improving the quality of weightlifting movements through different complexes. During the previous cycle, we focused of Back Squat Waves, this will now transition over to Front Squats and continue to make up part of our “Heavy” Days, make the most of these, you know you are going to be warm, and once again, focus on hitting more quality at the prescribed % over accumulating more volume for the sake of more volume.
We will also see the return of longer EMOMs to dial in your fitness leading up to the CrossFit Games Open as well as introducing Sprint Workouts. Both ends of the spectrum and everything in between.
Weightlifting Class Focus
The focus over the next 8 weeks will be to improve our strength and drive direction in the hang. Correcting common faults of rocking backwards into your heels and not having the right balance point in your feet, as well as initiating the movement with your lower back as opposed to driving down into the floor and extending upwards. Our Jerk will focus on having a strong dip and explosive drive phase, expect to see lots of time under tension in our accessory pieces on these days. The cycle will start and finish with a max weight complex so that you can measure your improvements if you trust the process!
Engine Class Focus
It’s time to up the ante and improve your threshold capabilities in the dominant time frame we see so much in CrossFit, that 7-12 minute window. The vast majority of our work will be completed here with some longer durations dropped in. Rowing intervals, Bike intervals, Shuttle Run intervals with some Longer slower distances after. These sessions combined with what’s in the main core program are going to develop the best engine you’ve ever had.
We are excited for the upcoming training focus - we hoper you are too!
Gymnastics Class Focus
We are going to focus the first 4 weeks on Ring Muscle-Ups once again. This is a skill that takes strength but mostly positional awareness.